Farmer's Daughter

Although 20+ years removed from the farm, farmer's daughter is still a title I enjoy.
Growing up on a farm taught me many invaluable lessons, two of those being frugality and creativity.
Now as a wife and a mom, I love to put into practice what I learned growing up as a
Farmer's Daughter.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Virginia's Ham Salad (sandwich spread)

I have been promising this recipe for a while now but have not posted it because I wanted to have pictures to go with it.

Pictures of sweet Virginia as well as pictures of the whole yummy process. But I have decided to go ahead without pictures for now and add them later.

But first a little background on this amazing ham salad and its inventor.

Virginia is one of my BFFs. She and her family go to church with us - Robby, Virginia, Troy and Beth - the whole gang.

Virginia truly has the gift of hospitality. She is such a blessing to me personally as well as to my preacher hubby and the whole entire church.

And she makes ham salad/sandwich spread that is more addictive to me than crack. Although I have thankfully never been addicted to crack, I am pretty sure that my previous sentence is true.

1 pound of bologna
1 pkg (24 slices) wrapped processed cheese (like the kind you put on a bologna sandwich)
3 hard boiled eggs
1 Tbsp. sweet pickle relish
Miracle Whip (1 small jar)

Using your meat grinder, grind bologna, unwrapped cheese, eggs, and relish into large bowl. Mix well with spoon.

Add Miracle Whip to desired taste and preferred consistency. Refrigerate.

Serve on whiter than white bread (you know the kind that sticks to the roof of your mouth) and experience sandwich spready goodness at its finest!

Love Me (and Virginia)

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